Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Exceeding his goal!!

Have you been watching the little thingy over there!!?? Michael, Addie's amazing Dad, reached his goal!! But please don't think that there is no need to donate now, he can always go over his goal!! So if you haven't donated yet, you still can!! Go Michael!!


Terri H-E said...

I rushed to open your blog after seeing the headline expecting some great story about Will at school. Piffle, it's just about my own hubby. Ha. Thanks for the shout out again!

Run is nearly exactly a month away. Stocking up on the run-eve pasta and carbs now.

Thanks again!

Amy Jo said...

Just found your page. My best friend delivered September 3, just 2 days ago, and her baby has already been diagnosed with RTS. Kolt Vincent Green. We are trying to get all the info we can for her and Kevin her husband. (Yes, the doctors @ children's have given some information, but nothing is as valable as advice coming from those living it out). I had never heard of this syndrome until now, but we are all in agreement GOD has planned this little bundle to Rock are world and we feel so blessed. Just wanted to make contact. THanks.
AMy Jo