Today was the dreaded day. The day that I have been fearing for almost 3 years. The day that has caused me sleepless nights. The day that has caused my stomach to churn and twist into knots. Today was Will's IEP meeting. It is done. I survived....barely!
All kidding aside, it was okay. I cried, but we all knew that I would. Will's goals are set and Josh and I feel comfortable with everything that they have set for him. He will be going to school 5 days a week for 3 hours each day. He will be in a room where he will have a one on one aid, which we are very happy about. The only concern that I have is that they will only be working on feeding during snack time at school. We are going to have to look into some other outside therapy for feeding. He will be riding the bus to school and I am going to pick him up.
I think that he is going to excel in school and hopefully his language with blossom (whether it be through speech, sign or pictures). We are excited about the school year.
Oh, and the most important thing discussed at the meeting today...
Yes, Mr. Cow can go to school too. Shoooo, we were worried about that one! ;-)
Beware of the Afternoon Nap!
5 years ago
You made it! Congrats, IEP warrior.
Congrats. Wish me luck as Noah's evals are this month with the school system. I feel like puking and crying "the ugly cry" all at once.
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