Both Mr. Cow and William where done with the procedure within 15 minutes. William woke up right away and cried for just a few minutes. He drank some juice and then we were able to go home. He came home and took a really long nap but is feeling pretty good now.
Beware of the Afternoon Nap!
5 years ago
So glad Mr. Cow did well. Oh yeah...Will too!
I hope the tubes do the trick.
Oh, sweet thing. Those tubes seem to have made him even cuter.
Glad it went well. Hope they pay off!
Im so glad he didnt have trouble recovering from the sleepy meds.
Maybe its just the picture, but that boy looks like hes putting on some weight!
I cant wait to see him soon!
What a little ham!!!! He is getting SO BIG...that is awesome!! Glad everything went well with the tubes!
Aunt Marty
I'm so glad they both did well through the procedure! I hope the ear tubes help him.
I thought he looked a lot bigger in the pictures too. He is really growing up and changing. I remember our first meeting in Orlando..What a big change from then huh?
Glad things went well for both Mr. Cow and Will. I love Will's smiles. They are so contagious!!
Have a great weekend!
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