My Kids. What can I say, I love them.
The hugs that Will gives. He puts his little arms around my neck and squeezes, I love it, Love it, Love it! He could give me a hug all day long and I wouldn't mind.
The time in the morning that Caroline and I spend together before Will wakes up. She crawls into bed with me in the morning and we snuggle until Will wakes up. I could snuggle for hours, she is precious.
Our health. My family is healthy. I am praying for a healthy winter, no hospital stays.
The words that Will says/signs. I am thankful that he is able to do this and I pray that he will have more words in the future.
ALL the words that Caroline says. My goodness, I never thought that one child could talk so much. But I am thankful that she can. Oh, my Ya-Ya, I love you.
My RTS family. Without you I am not sure where I would be on this journey. Thank you for all of your support. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I just love all those pictures..especially the one with Noah and Will..and Max and Will.. (Yes I follow all the blogs) and by the way.. one of Logan's best friends at school is named Will..coincidence or what??? I'm so thankful for this list serve also and all the wonderful families and children I've met these last 3 years on my journey!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Kerri and Logan
Im thankful to be taking care of my family at home, and not in a hospital!
Memories of meeting you all in Orlando.. We were so blessed to have met you. Hopefully one day we can get together again. Noah looks so pudgy in these pictures.. Ha ha.. I think it was precrawling stage..
I am thankful for blogs. I am so glad I have Will to watch grow. I get so much inspiration from knowing we are in this together!
Kelly W.
Ah, I am thankful making the memories you shared on this blog. They brought a tear to my eye. Thank you!
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