Hi everyone!
I haven't posted in awhile so I wanted to let you all know that everything is going well. We have not had any vomitting issues this past week since changing the formula. We are very pleased that he has not been getting sick with his feedings.
Caroline doesn't have school this week, which is good because she has come down with a cold. She has a runny nose, cough and sneezing. I have been giving her medicine and she seems to be doing well.
We are gearing up for the holiday season. I am ready for some turkey on Thursday! We will be traveling to Sparta. We are going to eat lunch with Grammy Abell and the rest of the family there. Then we are going to stop in at Grandma Forcum's house to visit my Dad and all of his family. Then to Grammy and Papa Pillers house for supper. Whew....that's alot of TURKEY!!!!
The kids are going to stay the night at my Mom's house on Thursday because I am planning on being one of those crazy people shopping at 4am! My friends (Laura B and Laura D) are going to go too so we are making it a day and I am sad to report that I am in serious need of retail therapy! LOL! I am looking forward to the day, it should be fun!
Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving! Oh, I forgot to mention that at school last week Caroline's class made a poster with all of the things that they were thankful for. Each child got to list 2 things and next to Caroline's name she had that she was thankful for DisneyWorld and her bedroom. I thought that it was too cute!
Beware of the Afternoon Nap!
5 years ago
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