Monday, July 12, 2010

Our Summer

Okay, so I have been MIA for awhile.  The kids only have 6 weeks of summer vacation and I feel like we have been busy the entire time.  So I will give you a re-cap of our summer vacation (school starts on Thursday!).

Caroline played softball this summer.  She loved it.  Josh also got to do a little coaching, which I think he enjoyed too.


We had a bit of nature in our backyard.  The kids and I found a turtle in the yard… DSC00778

And we also had some baby birds…


I went on my annual RTS Momma’s weekend with my friends, Kelly and Jessica!  I had a fabulous time, I love these girls!  We went to Kelly’s family mountain house in NC.  It was beautiful and relaxing.  We hiked down to this waterfall one morning…


And us standing with the mountain view behind us…

girls _weekend_2010Until  next year my friends!

Caroline did 2 weeks of VBS.  She loved it and had a great time.  She did one week at Grammy’s church and one week at our church here in town.  I think she could have done VBS every week if it were possible!  She loved it that much!

We have also been swimming A LOT!  The kids are little water bugs…William for sure.  I have no pictures of them at the pool because I am usually too busy keeping one little boy safe (not running, staying off of the steps, etc).  But hopefully soon I will be able to get some pictures. 

On the 4th of July we went to my Sister’s house and the kids played on the slip-n-slide.  They had a blast!  Will was actually trying to slide on it.  Caroline was a pro!



I am sure there are some other things that I have forgot to mention.  But for the most part…that was our summer, in a nutshell.


Lora said...

Love it! Your haircut looks fabulous. Sounds like you had a great, short summer!

Cindy said...

That's a lot to cram into 6 weeks of summer vacation. I'm glad you had a fun time!