Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wordless Wednesday...with a few words!

So we know that Mr. Cow likes to go swimming in the toilet but this is something new, something bigger, something better. Trucks like to go swimming too!!

It has been said that children with RTS love water, all water, any water. I would have to agree, but this toilet fascination is just gross!


Christine said...

OKAY That absolutely cracked me right up! I laughed out loud...
I have found a few things in the toilet bowl but none of them were toys. That's too funny!
We now keep the bathroom door closed because we either find something in it or he walks a away with Alyssa's potty seat!!
Too funny!!! Thanks for making me laugh Will, you made my day.

Terri H-E said...

Uh oh. Addie has that same truck. I am NOT showing her today's post...she might get ambitions herself.

Do they make toilet-shaped water tables? If not, maybe we can make our million with that idea. I'd certainly buy one!

Lora said...

Heehee! At least it's big enough that if he tried to flush it it wouldn't go down. Walter has that same truck.

Tena said...

What, you don't clean that sucker every single day?? I totally do. *snort* The little tongue of determination is CLASSIC!

Kelly said...

Will, Will, Will. . . you sure keep your mommy on her toes! Love it! Also, great pictures of Caroline in the snow. Kelly F

Anonymous said...

HAHA- this is TOO funny...and TOO cute! love it!
