Monday, June 11, 2007


Hi all-

Update on the constipation issue: he went on Sat. (diaherra) but has not gone again since. I have continued with the Milk of Mag. twice a day and I hope that he goes again soon.

Tomorrow is when we go to the hospital for the NG tube. We are just trying to get everything ready, bags packed, Caroline is going to Grammy's tomorrow, etc. Today, Ms. Robyn (OT) came to the house and we discussed some things that I am going to ask Dr. Barlow tomorrow. I think that I am going to request another swallow study and a ph test. Ms. Robyn seems to think that Will may be having some problems with reflux (even though he is taking medicine for the reflux). After we discussed some issues, I think that it is going to be worth having these tests done before having the g-tube procedure done.

Will was really happy to see Ms. Robyn today, he just loves it when she comes over. Caroline really likes her too. Ms. Robyn has been great and she has really helped us out alot. I trust what she says and I think that if she is concerned about these things then I should have them addressed.

I hope that everyone had a great weekend. I will post again when I get a chance, I am not sure how long we will be at the hospital.

Much love to you all~

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